PilatesVids.com Inc Refund & Cancellation Policy

At PilatesVids.com, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to provide exceptional service and address any concerns promptly. If you encounter an unfamiliar charge on your billing statement, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Customer Support: Reach out to our dedicated customer support team via email at support@PilatesVids.com or by phone at 954-271-9959. Our representatives will gladly assist you in identifying the nature of the charge and processing any cancellations.

  2. Refund Eligibility:

    • Unused Service: Refunds will be issued in cases where customers genuinely did not utilize our services.
    • Unauthorized Transactions: If your payment card was used without your consent by another individual, we will investigate and process a refund if warranted
  3. Review Process:

    • Before approving any refund request, we will review your IP address and content usage logs to verify the validity of the claim.
    • All refund decisions will be made at the discretion of PilatesVids.com.
    • Refunds will be issued within the first 30 days from receipt of service.

Thank you for choosing PilatesVids.com. We appreciate your trust and are committed to ensuring a positive experience for all our valued customers.

If you have any further inquiries or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.